06.02.2025. LLC "Trading and manufacturing company "PINSK-ISKOZH" pleasantly surprised domestic and foreign customers by offering innovative eco-polymer coverings STOLIMA eco-line - tablecloths, napkins and runners for table setting, in the production of which alternative polymers, ecological dyes and intralayer printing were used. At the same time, tablecloths are offered both without a base and on cellulose, non-woven, fleece bases for various life situations, in various price categories. And what will especially please both the hostess and her family members: tablecloths of the new line - without the usual smell of oilcloth!
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16.12.2024. Imagine that your company needs to deliver oversized, complex cargo over a long distance. And then, as luck would have it, the weather is bad, and the roads are problematic. And if it is also necessary to deliver the cargo across the border, to a distant foreign country... What to do? We can give good advice: contact AbaturoFF Group, and rest assured that your cargo, even very large and very complex, will be completely safe and delivered to its destination on time. At the same time, AbaturoFF Group will offer you reasonable and affordable prices.
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10.03.2025. Open Joint-Stock Company "Holding Management Company "Belkommunmash" (abbreviated name - OJSC “HMC “BKM”) is a leading enterprise in the CIS in the field of development, production, sale and maintenance of electric transport and related infrastructure: tram cars (fully low-floor, as well as vehicle kits), trolleybuses (including those with an increased range), electric buses (with high-speed and long-term (night) charging), freight electric vehicles and charging complexes and stations. Highly qualified personnel, a powerful production base, its own design center allow OJSC “HMC “BKM” to successfully produce the entire line of urban public electric transport. Service centers provide warranty service and training for specialists.
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12.09.2024. Hyper-pressing technology, relatively young in terms of industrial prevalence, appeared in the Soviet Union. Experimental production of building materials based on hyper-pressing technology dates back to the 60s of the last century. There are rumors that this technology was banned for industrial implementation. The final product - hyper-pressed brick - turned out to be very refined, noble and diverse, both in texture and color. And in Soviet times, as you know, a monotonous and typical approach to the mass construction of affordable housing was at the forefront.
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04.11.2024. “Large corporations have a planning horizon of 5-10 years. During this period, they understand what products they will produce, how they will enter other markets - through trade relations, cooperation ties, purchase of assets or other mechanisms. It is important to study these plans in order to formulate proposals that, due to their relevance and timeliness, would be difficult for partners to refuse.”
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22.01.2022. The National Agency for Investment and Privatization of the Republic of Belarus has become a co-organizer of the online presentation of the investment potential of the Sverdlovsk region for Belarusian business circles - representatives of the machine–building and woodworking industries of the economy, which took place a few days ago.
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27.05.2024. The United States has an exorbitant amount of debt, which can only be maintained by the monopoly of the dollar. However, sooner or later the country will face a serious economic crisis, VTB CEO Andrei Kostin is sure. In his opinion, the world is now characterized by instability. The head of VTB noted that China, in particular, is already beginning to reduce investments in American securities. “The PRC is certainly no less viewed by America as a rival than Russia. Even I would say an enemy,” he concluded.
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26.09.2022. The Ambassador of Belarus to the Russian Federation Dmitry Krutoy said in an interview with the Belarus 1 TV channel that a list of businesses "abandoned" by Europeans has been compiled in Russia and Belarusian entrepreneurs can be involved in managing them. According to the diplomat, the Belarusian side is most interested in the production of chemical and paint industry, machine-building components.
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27.05.2024. International specialized exhibitions “Belagro”, “Belferma”, “Belproduct”, “Prodmash. Cold. Upak" will be held as part of the Belarusian Agro-Industrial Week from June 4 to 9, 2024 at the exhibition center of the Chinese-Belarusian Industrial Park "Great Stone" (Smolevichi district, Pekinsky Ave., 29). About 500 enterprises from Belarus, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Germany, China, Pakistan, Turkey, Vietnam, Palestine, and Equatorial Guinea will take part in the Belagro exhibition.
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23.01.2022. The National Exhibition Center "Belexpo" invites you to take part in the International Specialized Exhibition-Fair "Hunting and Fishing - 2022", which will be held from March 10 to 13, 2022 in Minsk at the address: Pobediteley Ave., 4. The exhibition is held with the assistance of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, the State-Public Association "Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen", UP "Belgosokhota".
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23.05.2022. The rapid pace of life increases as progress develops. As a result, many serious illnesses "get younger" every year. Perhaps the only way out here is periodic full–fledged outdoor recreation, complete relaxation and recovery. The wellness complex of the Lukomlskaya GRES branch of RUE "Vittebsenergo" "Sosnovy Bor" provides such a pleasant opportunity.
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22.05.2022. Holidays in Belarusian sanatoriums are half as cheap as in the sanatoriums of Turkey or Egypt. This was stated on the air of the STV TV channel by the director of the Republican Center for Health Improvement and Sanatorium Treatment of the population Gennady Bolbatovsky. Today, more than 2.6 thousand foreigners are recovering in health resorts in Belarus.
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